Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I'm gonna WINE about it!

So just as I had gone through with alcohol and beer before I am going to go on my journey of wine with you all. It took me some time to even begin drinking wine at all. It took Kirsten to get me to start drinking it, well her and her parents. It started as something that I would just have a glass with dinner and not really think much about it.

Insert culinary school and starting to learn from two vastly different teachers. One is a Sommelier by way of certification and the other not so much. One of them was a great influence on me when it came to wine, and when we got to taste different wines of the world in class and pair them with food it was a very good experience. Getting the chance to taste from glasses that are made for the specific wine we were drinking. We had to fill out tasting notes for each and every glass that we drank.

Smell became one of the most important and confusing parts about tasting wine. Having to train yourself to take in a smell in small amounts and judge different levels of nodes that the wine is giving off. I can tell you in class swirling a glass and smelling it with small tastes made me feel REALLY PRETENTIOUS. Then I realized that I am getting a grade to drink good wines from a bunch of different places in the Old World wine regions. 

This year on Christmas, Kirsten and I made a whole menu for our friends that were over where we paired a different wines with each thing that we were serving and were able to create a great feast for us and our friends. It quickly became one of my favorite Christmas's that I have ever been a part of. 

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