Monday, March 11, 2013

Food From the Past

So as I was sitting in class today trying to figure out what my next blog should be written about I remembered that earlier today I received an email from my uncle Dan. It was great to see him for the first time in about 7 years when we went skiing in Lake Tahoe in February. While he was there he was telling me about a picture that he had come across of my mom.

I was blown away at how young and beautiful she looked, we are guessing it is from when she was in her early 20's. Sadly there doesn't seem to be many pictures of her around. She passed away when I was 14 and a lot of things have been lost from moving around so much since then. 

As to why that little tidbit fits into my blog is that it made me think back to the food that I ate when I was a kid and how that has changed so much for me over the years. I refused to eat salad or almost anything green back then. My diet consisted of some sort of meat and starch with some broccoli or green beans that I would move around on my plate to make it look like I ate it. I did not eat anything that resembled spicy, and I wouldn't try anything other than what is now considered Diner food. And I would ALWAYS have ice cream after dinner.

Now-a-days I will eat the spiciest food someone wants to throw at me and curry is probably my FAVORITE thing to eat. Beets have become one of my favorite vegetables and sushi is not in my life enough. Kirsten is to thank for me deciding to start eating new things, and then I got to school and had to taste EVERYTHING. My palate has become something entirely different and I think that it is all for the better. There is so much good food to be conquered, mastered, and consumed. 

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