Monday, March 11, 2013


I was just reading a the food blog on and came across this little guy. I wanted to share this with everyone because I think it sounds fantastic. Now, I just need to find these ingredients.  To read the story about it click here.

Aviation Cocktail Closeup.JPG
JK Grence
It has a hue better than this in person, I swear.
Liquor geeks may be tempted to substitute Parfait Amour or Crème Yvette for the crème de violette. Try it if you want, but crème de violette is the way to go.
2 ounces gin
¾ ounce lemon juice
½ ounce maraschino liqueur (I prefer Luxardo; good luck finding anything else in the first place)
¼ ounce crème de violette
Shake everything with ice. Strain into a well-chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a cherry, if desired.

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