I love Dan to death and I do not fault him for having me drink when I did, it isn't like it stunted my growth or anything considering I can see the top of his head when I stand behind him and he is 6'2".(Brain seems to work okay too)
I don't know that I drank much after that until I was about 16 when once again Dan was around for my Grandparents 50th anniversary in Bermuda. That is a whole other story that maybe I will get into at a later time. This I feel is a good intro into the name of this post "studio 151".
In my senior year I started hanging out with a good friend of mine Steve. We played fantasy football together and talked trash to each other at school but we started hanging out on the weekends in his mom's studio in his back yard. We use to fit about 12-15 people inside of what is no bigger than 100 square feet. I have had closets that were bigger than this room but we used to rage in it quite often. I have a video here of myself, younger of course taking a 6 shooter (six shots) of Bicardi 151 inside the studio.
What we have here is Portland's own New Deal Vodka, that I took some chocolate wine and mixed with it the vodka and a couple of spices to put into the Martini glasses. Instead of olives I put two vanilla Tootsie Rolls onto a martini spear and we had our selves a cozy holiday cocktail as an aperitif.
Mixed drinks also pair quite nicely with a dinner. Why do I bring all of this up do you ask; talking about food, beer, alcohol, and (wine in the future)? Well because the hole point of my blog is to show my background in food and beverage to prove that I know what I am doing when it comes to them. My goal through this blog is to gain enough followers and enough interest to start my own Underground Super Club in the Phoenix area when I move there after I finish in Culinary School.
What is an Underground Supper Club you ask? Well stay tuned to my next blog and I will tell you all about them.
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