Thursday, February 21, 2013

Craft Beer

        It is funny how things change over time. When I was leaving for college, I couldn't stand to drink beer. I thought it was offensive to my palate and would of much preferred to drink hard alcohol(yes I drank underage:-O). When I got to college being that beer was so easily acceptable, I trained myself to be able to just drink it as fast as possible and hope that I could get to a buzzed enough state that I couldn't taste how bad it was anymore.

        In order of the photos listed above; First one is me at our beginning of the year party in college doing a 2 story 9 beer beer bong, second is me at my going away party from Tucson doing a Keg Stand for over a minute (see how red my face looks), third one is with some friends in San Diego having a shotgunning contest - my fiance posted this one with the caption "photo ruiner".

   It took me some time, but I grew up a little. I am not saying that I do not drink anymore, or that I do not enjoy getting a little faded with some friends, my tastes have just changed. I developed a love for craft beer from Kirsten (fiance). I started drinking what I thought was much better beer with things like Blue Moon, or Fat Tire. Not meaning to put either of them down but the two of them are so simple in comparison to what I drink now that it is funny to think back. 

   Some photos above of a few beers that we have tried over some time. Some beers that are brewed with raspberries, cherries, pumpkin, coffee and molasses, to even misc. spices. There are 6 different breweries of the beers above: Epic, Elysian, Stone, Dogfish Head, Odell, and Deschutes. All very tasty and all differing levels of flavor and alcohol levels. I am one to say that I will try any beer once, which sometimes works like the ones listed above but sometimes leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth.

   Why in this blog that is all about food and your love for it are you now talking about beer? Well, because it has recently become very popular to start pairing beer with food the same way that wine has been paired for so many years. There are so many complex flavors that are available, which leaves pairing almost endless. Here in Portland there are more craft breweries than any other city in the world, and I am so glad I have had the chance to live here to experience that. So get out and try something new, you may just fall in love like I did.


  1. Hit it on the head about the cheaper and more common beers. I feel the same about them-coors light, etc. drink enough, fast enough to get buzz. Of course, me being such a light weight, took maybe 2 or 3, then of course I fell asleep soon after. A pumpkin, cherry or raspberry flavored beer sounds good.
    On another subject, the pix's were great. Have to ask-Do you remember much before or after the pix were taken? seems like a good time had by all, until the morning.

  2. Thankfully I posses this ability to almost never be hung over haha. I do remember all of those nights very well, they were all good times. The one with me doing the beer bong ended with me being 19 throwing 2 empty kegs over the wall at 3 am when the cops showed up. Good times. I would definitely give some of the good craft beers a try, they are delicious.
