Tuesday, February 19, 2013


       It was the beginning of March 2012 when I has my second stint of a 10+ day migraine. For fear that I may have a tumor or something I made my way to the doctor to have them do a check up on me and hopefully to WHOMEVER high power you believe in get my pain to go away .
       Pictured above is how I have felt about doctors my whole life. Yet this time the doctor actually hit the board and got something right. Unfortunately for me the doctor landed on the blood pressure portion of the dart board. I found out that whatever it is that I have been doing (most likely hereditary) I need to change something and fast. 

       Drastically changing my diet and outlook on food (for the better) forever. I started checking labels for things on food that were not just calories and fat. I stumbles upon a whole different world of food and began loving fruits and vegetables in the raw. 

       I came into Culinary School 4 months after my diet began, and 35 pounds less than I was when I started. Presently 11 months later I am 50 pounds less than I was when I began my diet and have never felt more awake and more alive, and I did it without cutting down how much I ate, but by making better decisions on what I put in my body. 

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